Today was one of those days. I got some upsetting news that doesn't directly affect me, but does affect someone I know that was once a big part of my life. I will not go into details, but just say that it shook me and affected me very deeply. It is something that I can not get out of my mind.
It made me realize how much I take things in my life for granted..... not just the little things but the big things too. Sometimes I have to just stop and remind myself that I am lucky just to be alive and living in a country that has so many opportunities, liberties and freedoms.
I guess it is easy to take for granted the everyday things such as a dishwasher, having clean clothes and a car to drive. To some people (many, in fact) these things would be a luxury and is something that is far out of their reach.
I was struck as I was letting the water in the kitchen sink run for far too long that all over the world people are in need of something as basic as clean water. Something that I have at my disposal at any given time and here I am letting it literally slip through my fingers and run down the drain. I quickly shut it off in that instant and reminded myself to be thankful.
You see in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is easy to forget to say thanks for all the little and big things that we have. It is so easy to get caught up in the "have nots" instead of the "haves". I am ashamed that it sometimes takes something tragic in life to remind me that I am so lucky. I have everything I could ever need and so much more.