Friday, November 8, 2013

5 on Friday

Well, it's finally Friday and in mom world it doesn't mean much, but it does mean that my poor hard working husband has some time off; a full weekend, in fact! He has been working 90 hour work weeks lately and it has been brutal on all of us. I am going to keep this post short and sweet with a fun little link up I found today. So, here's five randoms coming at ya!

1.) I am way too excited about the new Seahawks scarf I am getting today. It is, after all, blue friday! And in this house we take that seriously. ;) We are die hard Seahawks fans..... no kidding, even the littles.

2.) I just blew through my new book for book club in two days! It isn't a book I would ordinarily gravitate toward but I could not put it down. It was a tear jerker, though. If you are looking for a good book I recommend Sarah's Key.  I also just read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and that was really good too!

3.) I am down 13 pounds in the last 50 days! I have recommitted to working out and being healthy. This is not a diet for me, this is about being healthy and making better choices and setting a good example for my kids. Simply by being more active and more aware of what and how much I am consuming I have lost this weight. My goal is three more pounds by Thanksgiving and then another five by Christmas. It is a little slow going, but I know it is better this way.

4.) Can we talk Grey's Anatomy for a minute? While I love this show and always have, I am a bit frustrated with the story lines this season. Not so much with what is happening, but how there never seems to be a resolution with them. It's just on to some other big drama from week to week without resolving some of the other plot lines.... don't leave a girl hanging and can't we get a little more screen time for Jackson Avery?! I mean, come on, he sure is fun to drool over, I mean look, at!

5.) I am almost done with Christmas shopping already. Yes, you read that right. I usually procrastinate till the last few weeks but I wanted to really enjoy the season and take some pressure off. So, after next week we should be all finished up. ;)


  1. Yay for your husband having time off! Enjoy enjoy! Holy cow you rock!! Looking forward to hearing more about your healthy living journey! I've had a rough but successful two weeks on a new program, but definitely could do so much better in the eating department :) Christmas shopping almost done?! Again, you are a rockstar!! I've never seen Grey's before... and the Seahawks... well you know where I stand there lol! Love you! Happy to see you post today!

  2. so jealous that you are already almost done with cmas shopping....i'm just getting ready to start!

  3. i hope you all had a wonderful weekend with brandon off!! what a hard workin' man...ninety got yourself a good man there, ashley!! and go you, already almost finished christmas shopping!
    congratulations on your weight loss...slower and steady always is a great way to you! you look amazing!
    i hope this week is treatin' you well so far! sending love your way! xoxox

  4. Ashley, it is nice to "meet" you. Did you watch the game today? Our family is pretty die hard too. That is awesome about your weight loss. I am trying to lose weight now. It is not the best time of year to do it. But still trying...

    Happy Holidays!

  5. GAH! I haven't even started Christmas shopping! But Avery wants an American girl doll, and I'm totally excited to get one for her. I always wanted one for myself and never got one. She's going to be totally spoiled! HAHA!

    Also, congrats on the weight loss! Great job!! (Although I thought you looked awesome before!) : )

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