Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday's Letters


Today I am linking up for the first time over at Adventures of Newlyweds. Come check it out and join in the fun.

Dear Crockpot,
You are an amazing invention and my saving grace most days. Thank you for letting me throw in a bunch of random ingredients, push your buttons and never look back (until 6-8 hours later). My first ever pork roast turned out delicious and you are the reason why.

Dear half a dozen addicting chocolate chip cookies,
I am a little dissapointed in how good you tasted. You made me eat all of you. Please don't go straight to my hips and thighs!

Dear pile of laundry,
I would love if you could fold yourself while I lay on the couch watching lifetime Christmas movies. That would be amazing. While you are at it, you can just put yourself away too!

On a more serious note....
Dear fellow bloggers,
Thank you so much for all your kind words and comments and willingness to help me out when I have silly questions. This blogosphere is full of so many talented, wonderful, encouraging women and I am so lucky to have "met" you all!


  1. Ohhhhhh Lifetime Christmas movies!! 3 words that will be in my vocabulary for this month! :) I hope there are good ones. The cheesier the better, right!?
    I say you've got the right idea!!!!
    Enjoy your weekend and your chocolate chip cookies! I just ate 2 8 day old brownies hahaha
    Lots of love xoxo

  2. Isn't blogosphere wonderful? Lovely letters.. I totally need to utilize my crockpot more often!
    Be blessed!!

  3. Following you from Made in a Day Tuesday Blog Hop Social. Come by and join in again tomorrow! I like that mischievous grin too! Beautiful baby!
