Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions!

Okay, every year I start out pretty good with my resolutions. Some I have managed to keep (still) and others fell by the wayside in a week or two. I always love the idea of starting a new year out fresh and especially because it is my birthday  I feel like I am really getting a fresh start on a new year!

So, here are a few things I hope to accomplish this year:

1.) Get more organized! I am a fairly organized person, or I should say I used to be, until kids got added into the mix.  I need to start going through room by room and taking it slow and coming up with a system that really works for our family.

2.) Budget,budget, budget! I know, you are probably thinking "why is she not doing this already?!" We have a budget but we have a hard time sticking to it. There are going to be some real changes with that this year. We really need to cut out unneccesary spending and start saving more.

3.) Speaking of saving more.... hubby and I want to go away for the weekend for our 5 year anniversary and we are going to need money to do that. He wants to renew our vows, so hopefully we get to.

4.) Not only lose some weight, but just treat my body healthier in general. I need to cut way down on processed food and try to eat more fruits and veggies. Also, drink more water! I have a closet full of clothes that fit me six months ago .

5.)Going along with number four, I need to rejoin a gym. I have come to the realization that although, it will not help our budget, it will help my sanity. I feel much better about myself if I make time to exercise.

6.) Last year I set a resolution to try new recipes more often and I actually feel like I accomplished this one quite well. This year, I would like to try even more and find some healthier alternatives to some of our favorite dishes.

 7.) Open up my ETSY Shop! I keep saying I am going to do this and then I find a reason to put if off or life just gets in the way.

8.) Step out of my comfort zone more. Some of the best experiences I have ever had was when I did something that I was initially afraid to do.

So, there you have it. What are some of your resolutions for 2012?


  1. Awesome resolutions!
    Being more organized and eating
    healthier should be on my list too :)


  2. Opening an etsy shop can be intimidating. I'm still trying to figure it all out but it is so much fun! Good luck!

  3. Losing weight, updating my wardrobe, organising the house, baking more...yep, pretty much what you said!!

  4. i loved reading about your resolutions!! i really really would love to see you open your etsy shop!! i know you are so talented and it is something that makes you so happy. :)
    i like what you said about treating your body healthier...it's not as much about losing weight. gosh, i treat my body badly sometimes. this NO SLEEP thing...gotta figure out how i'm gonna stop being a vampire lol
    i hope these last few days of 2011 treat you well! and i hope 2012 blesses you with all your hope and deserve. LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU, ASHLEY!
    maria <3

  5. THANK YOU for linking up!! YAY for you and your list! You will rock it I'm sure! How exciting to renew your vows!! AND I can't wait for you to open your Etsy shoppe!! Double yay!! Thanks again girl! Have a great rest of your week! XOXO

  6. this is a great list! especially the etsy shop! yay for similar goals!


  7. I've got a couple of these on my list too this year. Budgeting, Saving, and Getting Healthy are at the top of my list. We can hold each other accountable!

  8. I love your resolutions! I have been thinking all week about mine. Budgeting is going to be a BIG BIG BIG one for us. We are going to try some of
    Dave Ramsey's principals. I have a few friends who love his plan! Good luck!!!

  9. Excellent ideas that I could stand to add to my list as well! Happy birthday and best of luck with those resolutions!

  10. We share so many of the same goals, I don't even know where to begin, ha! I had an etsy shop at one point, but there wasn't much of a focus in it. I'm thinking about trying again as well, but am holding back for some reason? Can't even pinpoint why, guess we both just need to go for it. :-)

    I'm trying to lose weight too. I have gained a lot since getting married two years ago. Anyways, I'm starting a Fit Club on my blog to help all those who want to be healthier in 2012 stick with it and be successful. Would love if you came by and joined in! http://itsacraftylife.blogspot.com/2012/01/welcome-to-fit-club.html
