I have kinda veered off topic here, though. What I really wanted to say is that even on these challenging days, where I am ready to go back to bed by nine am, is that I can't help but still be amazed at these little beings that my hubby and I have created. I see so much of myself in them that it is downright SCARY!
Now, I have often prided myself in my determination. When I want something I go after it and I go after it with all I have. My children are the same way. I think this is a great quality to posses however when you are 2 and have that much determination you give your mother a run for her money. Perfect example of that was when Kendra wanted up the stairs at my mother's. I will spare you all the details but she found a way after trying and trying. She had to push her small chair up to another larger chair and boost herself up to the shelf which was blocking the stairs and then she attempted shimming down the back of the shelf ( yes I was close by watching... I just had to see how she had done it so I could prevent her from doing it again.... I had already caught her climbing the stairs once). Jaxson is very determined as well but not to that degree. He is very sensitive which some of you might have noticed that I can be. Disciplining him when he was younger was so hard because he was so devastated when you told him no. You didn't even have to raise your voice it was merely the tone that set him off. Not anymore, though!
Kendra, on the other hand is a little instigator just like her father. You tell her no and she giggles and smiles. Then she turns right back around and does it again. I will be the first to admit that it is kind of cute and hard not to laugh ( I know I know, I am asking for it) .
There's that mischievous grin |
Now, my children did get SOME good qualities from me too. They love to learn.... reading is their favorite activity and I am so proud of that. They are outgoing and seem, even at this young age, to be empathetic and sympathetic toward others. They both seem to love animals and thrive in social environments. I could go on and on about all the amazing little qualities they have but I will stop here and not continue to bore you..... :)